Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sunflower Card.

Today just seemed to get away from me. But I guess that's what happens when you stay in bed till 11:00 and then start your day on the computer ;) You know what? Its great to have teens, they don't wake up early, teehee. So tonight I made a card. I was planning on spending most of the day in my scrap/craft room...but that didn't happen. I coloured this image awhile ago and just finally put it on a card. Actually I was planning on adding three of these tiny images on one card, but they were a tad to big so I made 3 cards instead. I lightly inked the blue around the image while it was still in the die. If I would have planned the card out better I wouldn't have used the blue. Almost every thing is popped up with foam tape. And the inside of the card. It was beautiful today. It went up to 12C today. Look our snow is finally melting :) Look at the neighbours across the street, all their snow is melted. Told Hubby we bought on the wrong side of the street. I want to live on the sunny side. A couple neighbours down from us like to shovel the snow from their lawn and put it on the street. To much work, I can wait for it to melt on its own. LOL. Onto My Day:

Nothing really. Computer, card making and computer again. Kind of sad really, considering I have been longing for this beautiful weather.

Hope you had a nice Saturday.



  1. Very sweet card Tracy. blue and yellow look smashing together. I like it. Adds the blue skies to it. We all need more blue skies.
    I didn't sleep in today. Got up at crack of dawn. computer, crafting,nap, computer, crafting. LOL Good day all in all. LOL I haven't got anything crafty to show for my crafting though.Nothing done.:(
    Have a even better Sunday.

  2. Tracy that card is absolutely gorgeous! I love dimensional work! Someone will be very happy to receive this.
    You still have snow. :( You're too funny saying that you want to live on the sunny side.
    I can't believe people actually shovel their snow out onto the street. That's funny!

  3. Beautiful card, thanks for the lovely comment on my blog. Our snow is finally melting too Yeah spring is on it's way. :)
    Melissa D

  4. Sweet image...lovely sunny creation!

  5. I love your card -- I really like the blue you used as it makes it "pop". Well done! S:o)

  6. what a lovely bright summery card, thanks for your lovely comment over on my blog

  7. It's wonderful to hear someone say something positive about having teenagers! Hope all that snow melts soon!

  8. LOL! People actually shovel their snow into the street! I guess that I am just too lazy. I like the blue on the front of the card. I think that it kind of pops the flowers... at least over the internet! as for the room...I guess that it is big (10x14-It was a dining room)...but it only has 2 walls, so I lose a bunch of storage space. Luckilly I found tablecloths at Walmart that matched my paint and I made them into curtains for a faux 3rd wall!

  9. Cute card!! I had the same thing happen for me yesterday...all these scrappy plans, and I didn't really get anything done. WEll, a couple cards and a super easy Project Life type of layout, but not near what I had wanted to accomplish. I guess that happens though!

  10. Love the card, sunflowers are so pretty aren't they? Glad to see the snow is finally melting, you may get to thaw out yet, lol. Look pretty good here but, still not as warm as I would like.

  11. I love the blue in the card. Great job! I have a teenager, but I also have a dog. (Need I say more?) It's like having a two year old in the house. He (the dog) woke me up at 5:30 yesterday morning. The one day of the week I could sleep in. Dogs! (Insert growl) As far as your neighbors shoveling the lawn? Sheesh! Now I've heard everything! :-P

  12. Great card, I loved that image when you colored it! I was beginning to think you didn't have grass up there in Canada! Haha, glad to see you do :) I was hoping to craft yesterday, but as seems to be the theme, the day got away from me too. I did get to craft today though...A LOT! And now our ribs our ready! Yum, I will have one for you! Hope you have had a great Sunday!

  13. Gorgeous card, girl!

    Whoa - you still have WAY TOO MUCH SNOW!!!

    Come visit me today! It's 80 degrees here! And sunny!!!

  14. Super cute card! I am a new follower...found you on Two Peas. Would love for you to visit my blog!



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