Today I had to take my dad to the fracture clinic to see how his hip is healing. First I have to get dad, his oxygen and his walker out of his
apartment and down the stairs to my jeep. We go to the hospital and dad says why are we at St.
Joes. Your appointment, I answer. Well it was at the
Regional, which is close to his
apartment. So we get to the right hospital and go to the waiting area. I see a sign that informs us we have to go to admitting. So off we head. They get the paper work so we head back to the fracture area. We sit for about 15
mins. Then they call his name. Wow I think this is going to be a quick one. Then I realize nope probably just X-Rays (which dad leaves his keys in his pocket, so his x ray looks like he has keys in his leg
haha), bingo just X Rays. I over hear the nurse tell some one that it is a 2 our wait for his doctor.
So I take dad down to the
cafeteria for lunch. He ate like a trucker
We go back to wait it out. Dad was getting
antsy and wanted to leave. His arthritis has been really bad lately, plus he was worried he was going to run out of oxygen. Well I tell this to one of the nurses and he brings us to a room to hook him up to their oxygen. I get dad comfy on the bed. I tell him take a nap we will be awhile. Well about 5
mins later in comes the doctor. Nice.
As we leave dad whispers under his breath to the other patients "Have a nice wait". Cheeky bugger.
Here are some cards I made. The 1st one is Kristy
BDay card. I was told she wanted black with some colour. This is my first time playing with Core-
dination paper. Ya I am a late bloomer.

These cards are all made with the Free kit I got from
Archiver's for spending X amount of dollars. I should have
received way more than one kit with the hunk of change I dropped in that store on our trip

I used the Martha Stewart border punch on this card. Isn't this punch so pretty.
I tried to use only what was in the kits. I don't usually make cards or pages with kits. I like to do my own thing. But this was good for giving my creative side of my brain a rest
LOL. Ya like that would ever happen.

I did ink around some of the edges and I also added some sparkle to some of the cards.

Tonight Sharon and Myra came by for some
scrap booking. We had to stay upstairs as Myra just had knee surgery. So I figured it was a good time to play with this kit. I didn't feel like running up and down the stairs to get my stuff, because I always end up doing that.

Sorry for the shine on the cards. I didn't use my flash but I guess the over head light was to bright.

I used a yellow flower as the sun on this card.

Last one.

Tonight Kristy and 4 of her friends went to
Applebees (by themselves) for supper. Kristy hasn't wanted her friends over for her birthday since she was about 8 yrs old. So I gave her money and we dropped them off. I was so proud of her, she even figured out the tip.
3 of these same friends are sleeping over. So I guess it will be an all
nighter here. They are perked up on Soda and munchies.
Hope you all have a nice Friday, Oh Yeah. I will be up most of the night