Well Kristy and her friend were up late last night for the sleep over. Well I should say that they were up early, as the didn't get to bed till 7:00 am. At 5:30 Hubby was like "What they are still up, tell them to go to bed". I just reminded him that we used to pull all nighters playing video games.
So then we just went back to sleep. The girls didn't. Oh to be young again.
Tonight was a fun night. I scrap booked with Sharon, Debbie and Myra came by as well. Myra is our newbie. I think we have her hooked LOL.
I finished my mini book for my friend Debbie. It matches her Reading Journal I made her last week.

Sorry I didn't mean to double post this picture and I don't know how to get rid of it. So here is a second look LOL. What I like about this mini book is that it the inside pages are made with a single piece of 12 x 12 pattern paper.

Here are the inside pages. I saw this on the Internet. As I had said before the video was hard to see and understand. So I tried to figure it out and (if I say so myself) I think that it turned out cute.

I used the $1.50 stamps that you get at Michael's. Love those stamps.

This is a little folder envelope .

Some more cute stamps. Love this sassy fairy.

I guess you didn't need to see every page.

We are close to being finished here.

A couple more pages to go.

Last page. I love my little sexy fairy.

OK now that you looked at all the pictures. I will share with you how I made this little cutie.
You take a 12x12 piece of scrapbooking paper. and score it every 3" Turn the paper and score ever 3" again.
Then you cut from the bottom up to the last score line. Then from the top to the last score line, lastly you cut the last one from the bottom to the last score line. Now I know you don't understand what I just wrote as I don't and I even made it LOL. So that is why I made a diagram. The dashes are the score lines and the solid lines are where you cut. Clear as mud?

Then you accordion fold all your score lines

You keep folding around the top of the "M" and down. Keep accordion folding this.

When you are done folding it should look something like this. I adhered the back of the pattern paper together in certain areas. You could just adhere the bottom or top of certain pages to leave a gap for journal tags.

When you a done folding the ends should look like this. You will need to make a back and front cover. I used thin chipboard and covered it with pattern paper. but before I put the inside paper on I ran ribbon along it for the closure.

I hope you can understand this. I so need to do video tutorials. LOL
Hope your Friday was as fun as mine.