I was craving fried mushrooms this afternoon. Do you ever like, really crave something.
Last time I really, really craved something was when I was pregnant with daughter #3. I craved sand. Weird eh?
I would go to the pit (what we call Hubby's quarry) and imagine myself taking hand fulls of dirt/sand and chew it, I just wanted to feel it in between my teeth,
lol. I didn't do it though.
I didn't tell anyone, because well...its just weird.
But later I find out when your pregnant and crave dirt, or ashes its a sign of low iron.
Well today, like I said, I wanted fried mushrooms.
Good thing too, these babies were on their last life. I shared them with Hubby :)

I picked Kristy, her boyfriend Blake and her friend Allison up from school. Drove Allison home, but when I went to back out of her driveway my brand new pretty red jeep wouldn't go in reverse. Now I didn't call it a pretty red jeep during this time, it was more like you stupid piece of sh1t. I think she understood, I was not happy.
So phoned
CAA for a tow, then phoned Hubby to come and pick up the kids.
As I went to his truck to talk to him, I fell flat on my @
ss, Yup. It was like something you would see in a comedy or a cartoon. I think my legs even flew up in the air....
OK I won't feel bad if you laugh. It was funny....after the fact. Not sure about tomorrow though, when my butt is bruised.
So anyway Hubby comes back and tries the jeep. Oh ya he thinks he could do it eh? Big strong man. He has to come and help is little wife, because she is to weak to do it herself. Lets see who laughs now.
Well he did. He got it into reverse.
You see...he tells me... when you park on an incline sometimes its hard to get it back into gear.
Ohhh my hero.... yes I am being sarcastic.
But I am happy that I didn't have to bring it in.
So for that I had to treat myself for my misfortunes.
So I made Impossible Pie.
Hard to believe that something soupy like this...

Could bake into something like this......

I know you are going to ask me for the recipe, so here it is. This is so easy. you just mix everything in one big bowl and it
separates as it cooks.

I don't soak the coconut. I did the first time and then I just forgot one time. I didn't find a difference in the pie. Oh ya on my recipes I put the name of the person who gave it to me and also the dish I use to cook it in.
That was my day in a nut shell. I should have been in a nut shell, then maybe that wouldn't have cracked my arse.
Oh ya and daughter #1 took the toothpaste to work as she had a dentist appointment. How nice of her eh?
Hope you had a creative day today :)