My Resolutions for 2011 were:
Scrap booking: Do a double page layout once a month..... Epic Fail, I did 1 double page layout this whole year.
Try my hand at some sketches...... Fail, I think I may have done 1
Try some challenges....... Yeah...I did and complete my He-Art journal :)
Finish my Camp/cottage journal........ Fail I think I am still a year behind
Make more mini albums, even if they don't have a purpose...i love those..... Yeah...I really surpassed this goal.
Other Crafts:
Make my Christmas quilt that I bought for this year...Oops totally forgot about this one.
Sew my purses that I bought patterns for..... I think I did this one, can't remember which pattern it was, lol.
Continue to enjoy my paper crafts..... Well this was a no brainer, teehee.
Make the projects that I wanted to make last year...... I did this :)
Tweak my blog and YouTube channel...... Still to scared to touch anything on here in fear of erasing my blog ;)
Life Goals:
Get more active, I need this for my health, not an option.... Embarrassed to say, I didn't do to good in this area.
Loose 10 lbs these.... Did I say loose, oops
I would love to end the soda but not doable...so cut down........this one was a big fail as well.
Eat more healthy...Can't say that I succeeded in this area either :(
Be creative everyday. This does not mean making a project everyday, but being creative in one way or the other....I did this one :)
Put myself first. This is going to be the hardest of all. I put my family and friends first....Yup failed yet again.
Now I feel like a failure, lol.For this year I want to work on the goals I had last year.
But my big thing is to stop my Procrastination.
I am so bad for this. I have always said that I am the best procrastinator. If there was a prize for this, I would win it hands down.
But this year I am really going to work on "Just do it", and do it now.
Had my SIL, Sharon, her hubby Jim, and Kristy's boyfriend Blake over for dinner and enjoyed some laughs.
When the clock stuck midnight, I opened the front and back door of our home to let the old year out and to welcome the new year in.
So here is to 2012!
Looking forward to the great experiences, and new friends that this New Year will bring to my life.
Hope your New year is one full of Happiness.