We have been so busy...but a good busy.
Our summers are so short here in Northern Ontario, Canada, that I try to squeeze out as much fun and outdoor time as I can.
This summer was really special as my brother David, his wife Amanda and their 3 boys came to out here to spend the long weekend with us 💗
My dad and stepmom were planning on coming as well...but sadly were unable to make it 😢
My sister in law/ friend Sharon and her husband Jim also came up the August long weekend.

Here is my little brother and I.
I love to call him my little brother...even though he is over 6ft tall and I am under 5ft, lol.
Most of my family live in a different province than me, so I cherish the time we get together.

Here is Amanda, David's beautiful energetic wife...with 3 young boys she needs all her energy, lol.

This handsome young man is Tom, David and Amanda's oldest son.
He is so smart and a good role model to his younger brothers...if they would follow suit, lol.

Here is Dustin...their middle son.
Dustin is so inquisitive and wants to know everything.
This little cutie is Tristen, the youngest of their 3 boys.
He is so sweet and loves to follow his older brothers, but also loves to play by himself.

And of course I have to share a photo of my little grandson Sawyer.
This little guy has my heart.
He enjoyed watching the older boys play and joining in as well....he also observed the boys fight, but let's hope he doesn't pick that up with his new to be born brother.

We taught the boys how to whistle with grass.
And I got them to play the quiet game...which lasted 45 minutes with Dustin and an hour with Tom...I was impressed, they did better than I ever would, lol.
I also bribed them with chocolate treats to deter them from poking and pushing each other...which actually worked, so you know they are related to me, as I would do most anything for chocolate.
Another way to keep busy active boys occupied...let them bury each other in the sand at the beach, lol.
They really enjoyed this.

We all enjoyed a night fire with toasted marshmallows, Smores and banana boats.
Sharon and I stayed up way past our bedtime....actually we stayed up way past everyone's bedtime as her and I sat around the fire long after everyone else went to bed.
I can't tell you how much I loved that.

Besides the cute boys that I spent my weekend with, my middle daughter Heather came out to spend time with us at the cottage.

My oldest daughter Ashley and her husband Tyler enjoyed the weekend with us.

My baby Kristy and her boyfriend Blake were out here as well.

And can't forget my silly husband Wayne 💗

My SIL/girlfriend Sharon came out with her husband Jim.

We always celebrate Jim's birthday out here.
The boys were excited that there was birthday cake...and Dustin (accidentally) got icing on his finger..I had to explain to him the difference of accidentally and on purpose..I don't think he cared, as long as he got to lick the icing from his finger, lol.
Wayne and I are so so happy that my daughter Ashley and her husband Tyler bought our other camp, which is right next door to our new one.
There is nothing as special as having my grandson Sawyer coming over whenever he wants, or to hear him calling us from their camp 💗
I have a good life and I know it...I am a very lucky person to have my family so close to me, and that they want to be close to Wayne and I.
I am also very lucky to have friends that enjoy the time we spend together and that I can confide in and that we can count on each other.
Some may think I am bragging on here, but this is not only a place to share my crafts, but also a place to document my life and what is happening in it, it is for me to look back on when my days aren't so bright so I can smile and know that I am loved and how many I love right back.
And with a world where not all is happy and there is so much hate and jealously, why not focus on the good and happy times 💗
I hope you are all enjoying your summer
Tracy 💗💗💗