Sunday, June 5, 2016

What to do on a rainy weekend

So a lot of this happened over the weekend.
It rained most of the weekend, so Wayne and decided to touch up some painting in our cottage bedroom as well as paint the ugly panelling in the kitchen.
It looks so much brighter in there now :)

Very little of this happened over the weekend.
Because it rained we got very little riding time in.
We took a quick ride as soon as we got to camp on Friday....then the skies opened up.
Oh, I saw a bear during our ride :)
We were able to take a bit of a longer ride this morning.
We quickly ate breakfast then went for a ride.
I saw 3 rabbits during it :)

That was my weekend :)
I hope you were able to stay dry and have a wonderful weekend.

Tracy :)


  1. Oh my gosh, a bear??!! How exciting and scary at the same time!! I've always wanted to take a picture of one in the wild but the only one I've seen was running across the road and I couldn't get to my camera in time :) Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. I guess there has to be rain to get work done at the cottage, or you would be riding. Nice you got to do both, How are the blueberries growing? We had rain too but the farmers are very happy about it the fields were very dry.

  3. That nice bright paint must look nice and fresh! I bet you're glad you did that. How scary to see a bear - eek! Looks fun that you got to ride! Have a great week, Tracy!

  4. What a difference a day makes. A bet the paneling looks fabulous and so much brighter.

  5. Bummer about the rain, but I'm sure the fresh paint looks nice!


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