Sunday, July 17, 2016

Containers Defunkified

Is it only me, or do we all do this?
If you know me, you know I craft Everywhere.
I craft in the livingroom, in the rec room, at the cottage even when we go on trips!
So in order to bring my supplies with me, I use small containers.
Which works great....except I never seem to empty the containers when I am done.

Then I can't find a certain supply that I want and I have to go searching until I find it.
Which I end up wasting valuable crafting time trying to find it.
When I emptied these containers there were so much stuff in some of them, that were just taking up space.
Here is a video I did a while ago on just this.
If you would rather watch it on my YouTube is the link "Tracy's Treasures24"

I hope you have had a great and creative weekend :)

Tracy :)


  1. oh liebe tracy, ich bin am staunen, was ich bei dir schon wieder alles getan hat....die herrlichen gartenfotos, gebaut und gestrichen hast du ebenfalls toll....über deine ergebnisse kannst du richtig stolz sein....auf deinen film freue ich mich schon....ich schaue dir sehr gern zu...
    ♥liche grüsse...

    1. Here is Ruth's comment via google translate :oh love tracy , I am amazed at what I did everything again with you .... the magnificent garden photos , built and painted you have also great .... about your results , you can be really proud of .... on your movie I am looking forward .... I'll love to look for ...
      ♥ Liche greet ...
      ruth..chen ;-) )

  2. I have that problem of stashing things and forgetting which drawer or container I put them in. Happens way too often actually!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. I lose things on my desk that I could have sworn were just in my hand, so I'd be in big trouble if I scrapped anywhere other than my office. ;)

  4. As you know I also craft in my "office" in the livingroom, kitchen table and at the cottage. I also lose lots of time looking for things, Right now I'm doing most of my crafting at the cottage. Looking forward to viewing your video.

  5. I am still searching for those plastic Ikea containers you have. For the other comments, this seems to be a problem we all share - thanks for leading the way to better storage :)

  6. I'm a thrower-inner of containers for sure! I move from kitchen to breakfast room to dining room to scrap and have containers all over :) But I pretty much know where stuff is. You're a great organizer!

  7. I'm a thrower-inner of containers for sure! I move from kitchen to breakfast room to dining room to scrap and have containers all over :) But I pretty much know where stuff is. You're a great organizer!

  8. I just consolidated a bunch of stuff in my studio too - because I tend to spread it out in too many containers. And sometimes when I upgrade the storage, I don't do anything with the old ones. So last week I took containers specific to crafting to my LSS for consignment and this week I took a bunch of general purpose plastic bins and other boxes to the church rummage sale. Don't you love it when things are streamlined - or in your jargon defunkified!!


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