We don't have Internet access at our cottage, but the motel lets me use theirs :)
Louis and Bruce are so sweet, they even have told me to use the breakfast room that they have for the guests use.
So I drive the quad up to the motel and here is where I get to do my blog, and check up on my blog friends :)
I have mentioned the Internet is slow and some blogs I can't see because it takes to long to upload them. But I sure am grateful that they let me have use to it :)
We were happy to see some company today.
My brother David and his wife Amanda were heading home and decided that they would come and stay with us :) They drive right past us to get to Manitoba.
We were down at the beach as the kids love the sand and water.
Yup, this is what we do with the children who come to visit us....we bury them in the sand, lol.
I don't think they minded in the least :)
That is about all for me today. Just enjoying my family. Hope my girls come up tomorrow. They all have to work and Heather and Kristy have to work tomorrow, so we will see.
Hope you all have a creative Friday :)
Oh ya, I have now completed all of 2011 transferring my notes into my camp journal :)
Now to go back to 2004, 2005 and 2006. I didn't write as much those years. Reading back I sure wish I had documented our camp life for every year that we have been coming up here. We started coming here in 1995. The year Kristy was born.
Tracy :)
yay on completing 2011!
ReplyDeleteThe motel owners sound very nice!
Awww.now you've got me wanting to do a journal!
ReplyDeleteWe have the grandkids up here...my daughter comes tonight and is breinging my other daughter...who rarely comes...YAY!!! We are so excited.
I should journal their first vacation without their parents!
Cute kiddos! That is so nice of the motel owners!
ReplyDeleteGreat that the motel owners let you use their Internet. Some hotels these days make you pay for Internet even when you are staying at their establishment.
ReplyDeleteHehe... adorable picture of the kids. Glad the motel owners let you use their internet.
ReplyDeleteThat picture is too cute. I should do that to my kids the next time we go to the beach. I wont have to worry about them wandering off! Glad you got to see some more family this weekend!
ReplyDeleteburying the kids? tsk tsk. LOL they are so cute. Glad the kids came by, how sweet.
ReplyDeleteHow nice of the folks at the motel to let you use the internet. slow is better then none. you would have to preload your blog otherwise. I am almost ready to shut mine down. nobody visits but you.;)
have a great monday and congrats on finishing up the journal. YAY for you
I'm laughing at the picture of you riding the quad on your way to the hotel! That is so nice of them to let you use the Internet :) Sometimes it's nice to unplug for awhile, but since you're up there every weekend I would want to check my blogs too. ha!
ReplyDeleteOh the little one on the right is looking like he is having a blast:)!! Nice of them to let you use their internet...lucky for you:)!!! Congrats on finishing the journal
That is so nice of them to let you use their internet! I don't like being away from the computer on the weekends either, but with the noises my computer makes now, I can't stand it for more than 10-20 minutes at a time (right now I'm blasting the TV to drown out the noise so I can read everyone's blogs!) And AJ can't stand the noise at all, so when he's home, I don't turn it on. His complaining + the noise + the TV blasting over it is way too much for me!