Tuesday, November 19, 2013

More Paining and Day 19

Day 19 of 30 Days of Thankfulness.
Today I am Thankful for my laptop….and pretty red mouse ;)
I know I spend to much time on this laptop, but…
it is how I get to chat with many of my friends,
it is how I post daily on my blog,
it is how I post my YouTube videos and
it is also how I find some creative inspiration :)

Today I was planning on sharing a project that I had made for someone special.
I have the video done, but haven't edited or posted it to YouTube yet.
The reason…My MacBook Pro didn't read my video camera, so I have been using my old laptop to do all my videos.
I went to go on it today, and it wasn't playing nice.
So Wayne is (hopefully) fixing it. He also sent me drivers (?) for my Mac so I can upload my videos from my video camera to my new laptop.
I hope it works as my video is in my old laptop.

Today was spent at Ashley's house.
Ashley and I painted, Heather raked the front lawn and Kristy was at her boyfriend's house. One of these things is not like the other, lol.

Ashley has been asking me to do this one big project for her, since she purchased her home.
I keep putting it off, as I am nervous that I can't make it perfectly.
When I told her that, she said "Mom, I wouldn't have asked you to do it if I didn't think you could….plus you are the master of all things creative".
Now this girl knows how to stroke my ego, lol.

I hope you all had a creative Tuesday :)

Tracy :)


  1. Hope your mac gets sorted...I know you love to make videos and we love to watch them!

    The painting looks like it is going well...her house must look so cute now!

  2. But you do everything so great! Love it when they say these things. Nice to be needed. Pretty impressive you post daily. I peek pretty much every evening if I'm not already asleep. Maybe I need a Mac. iPad isn't great for blogging.

  3. How did we ever survive before all this modern technology to keep us all connected? What little project does Ashley want you to do? Very interesting!

  4. More Paining eh! Yep computers can be a right pain! Oh you mean painting LOL! Ashley's house is going to be all spick an span for Christmas and that's the next thing I expect, decorating for Christmas :-) Happy Hump Day.

  5. oh i hate computer problems!!! i am having them myself

  6. Oh, the laptop is big on the thank you list, isn't it? How did we ever get along without them! Was "paining" on purpose? I can believe it from the angle you are standing. Good luck with your computer repair and projects. She's a lucky girl to have your help.

  7. Yes I spend too much time as well, don't we all. It is great you can help your daughter. I also giggled with the "paining"

  8. Lol, that one paragraph was all gibberish to me! And of course you have a red mouse :) you know you will do the project for Ashley and it will be amazing! (No, Ashley didn't ask me to say that, Lol)

  9. Oh no! I hope your computer gets fixed soon!

    I wonder what the project is for Ashley! Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be amazing!!!

  10. Sorry about the computer, but I love your red mouse! I have a boring old black one. :)

    And our daughters really know how to work us don't they? (LOL) But it is all good and things we probably would have done anyway!

  11. Wow! You've been busy! I'd say your laptop was money well spent since you get TONS of use out of it. My friends always say that every time use is a dollar you can take off the total price. :)

  12. The title of this post gave me the giggles :D "More Paining". Computers can be "More Paining" when they act up and don't do what they used to do well :/ Seeing the photo of one of your girls painting the ceiling at the top of the stairwell. That is "More Paining" in my book. Sore shoulders and upper arms, neck with a kink.

    Thanks for the giggle and I hope you have a fantastic day. Hugs to you my friend - Leslie

  13. Laughing because I misread raked as naked and thought someone was painting naked and thought, oh my, TMI! lol!


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