I thought I would share our wonderful snow we have here where I live.
As beautiful as it is…..Spring can come anytime soon.
But by looking at all this snow, I doubt it will come anytime soon.
I think we usually get Spring at the end of May….for sure June ;)

I am not sure if anyone not living here believes me when I say that we have over 7ft snow banks.
Its a bit tricky backing out of the driveway, when you can't see any oncoming traffic because of the high snowbanks.
I would say that the bike lanes end, lol.
Yes some of the snowbanks are higher than the road signs.
I hear we may get above 0c temperatures this week :)
I made one of my favourite snacks :)
It is crackers with margarine and honey, spread on them.
Not only do I love the taste of this snack, but it also brings me fond memories of my mom and I.
My mom would wait until us kids were in bed and then she would make a little treat for herself and sit and watch a bit of tv.
Well, I would (many times) get up and share in her snack.
She would always share, even her special treats.
But I declined the frog legs or sardines she would munch on, lol.
I think this is why I am a night owl, as my mom was one as well.
Mind you hers was probably to just have a bit of alone time, with 5 kids, I am sure she didn't get much of that, lol.
But when I got older my mom and I would stay up until 3:00am playing the card game Rummy or Yatzee…even on a school night :)
So is there a snack or food that gives you such memories?
I hope you all had a creative Walking Dead Sunday ;)
I did more paper work today.
So much so that I had to empty our shredder 3 times and I burned out the shredder.
We have a heavy duty shredder and I powered that puppy out, lol.
Had to let it cool down and it went right back to work :)
Tracy :)
Heya, Tracy.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to tell you that I poster a video on my youtube channel, if you would like to take a look.
I did also linked to your blog from my blog! :)
WOW..that's a lot of snow! Pie! My mom and I would always stop and have pie and coffee when we were out and about.
ReplyDeleteThat is a bunch of snow. We have had lots too. But our temps have really warmed up and melted the majority. It was up to 60F this afternoon. Last weekend we were having record lows. Crazy, I know! I hope a little warmer weather is headed your way!
ReplyDeleteI love your snow pictures only wish we can have some. Spring hit us the weekend, blue sky's just beautiful. It does make you feel better. :)
ReplyDeleteThose pictures of the snow are so stunning. Where I live it never snows - ever - in fact in Winter it barely goes under 16 degrees celsius, I love reading your posts and if I werent on my crazy strict eating plan I would definitely want to try your honey margarine cracker snack! Cracker Snack - lol - I am sure that might be slightly offensive somewhere!
ReplyDeletewow that is a ton of snow. i hope it melts soon for you!!
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely looking forward to spring or at least no snow and warmer temps. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures, Our snow piles are 6 feet high at the end of the driveway but it all looks dirty now. Hamburg stew with carrots poured over a mountain of mashed potatoes, reminds me of my Mom. With my daughter it was trips to London (dr. appts) and going to Woolworths for cherry cheese cake.
ReplyDeleteWe've had much more snow than usual this season, but seeing yours makes me feel a bit better. ;) We grew up with butter on crackers, but not with honey, I'll have to try that!
ReplyDeleteSnow sucks. We are, for sure, having warmer days here, but they are calling for a chance of snow Tuesday night. Winter is still holding on :) Nothing like what you have though!! I love the story about your snack :) my grandma would fix crackers with butter! I haven't had that in years though!! Can't believe you burned the shredder! Lol!
ReplyDeleteThat is a ton of snow! It actually seems a little dangerous, if you can't see. I hope everyone is very very careful!
ReplyDeleteMy mom always used to make us crackers with butter when we were sick. They are really good!
Tea, which I guess isn't really a snack, always reminds me of my mom. She has tea all the time, and I do too. AJ said he's never had to was as many mugs as when she was visiting with my Nonni (who also always drinks tea in the morning, before lunch, in the afternoon and after dinner like we do!)
I can't believe you burned out the shredder, but I'm glad it started working again!
I do believe you. lol. When we were kids we lived at the end of a dead end street and they piled the snow up and up and up. Most of the time it was too ice packed to be fun but one winter we were able to hollow it out with tunnels and rooms. Looks like you've had one of those winters.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, hi again
NO MORE SNOW! I agree, spring CAN'T come soon enough. We actually warmed up past -20 to 14C yesterday. I was dying from the heat and I was even in flip flops. GLORIOUS! Although, it's a bloody melting mess out there. I spent an hour chipping ice so the run off could get to the drain. C'mon spring!
ReplyDeleteWay too much snow..but it's finally melting here, lol. Hmm...I have to try those crackers and spread. My mother and I always enjoyed fruits and a nice long talk...and we still do! I'm going to miss that when I move, though it's nice to know you have so many cherished memories :)
ReplyDeleteThat is a nice memory. For me it's graham crackers spread with canned frosting. It's something we'd make as a quick snack quite often, and now my daughter loves those too. She is 14 and a major night owl like me. I don't think any of us go to bed before 2am on average.
ReplyDeleteGosh you have had a lot of snow. Try reversing into the drive when parking, then you can drive out into the road - a lot safer :-)
ReplyDeleteEven when it was cold and you just ate something, it's off to the papers you go! Makes sense, as there's pretty much nothing to do in those circumstances. Quite ironic though to see that everyone's shivering while your shredder is hot at work. Haha!
ReplyDeleteRuby Badcoe @ WilliamsDataManagement.com