Wednesday, March 26, 2014

WOYWW, it is a scary sight at times ;)

I thought I would join in with WOYWW today.
WOYWW is hosted by Julia. If you check out her blog "Stamping Ground" you can check out what everyone else is working on :)
Doesn't this just make you want to create :)

Well it didn't start that way.
I am sad to say that this is how it started.
I am even sadder to say that I didn't even create on this desk.
This is just me putting things on my desk that I didn't want to deal with at the moment.
I had to clean it all off before I even could start to make anything.

Look I actually had a chance to create…that was after I cleaned my desk off, lol.
If you look closely, you can see that I am working on my Tim Holtz March tag.
Yes I make this much of a mess while creating, lol.

I did complete my March tag (I will share that tomorrow) and I did clean off my desk after I made it :)
It is all ready for my next creative adventure :)

I hope you all had a very creative Wednesday :)

Tracy :)


  1. I'm so glad you posted those two 'creative' tables, I wouldn't want to be the only one with a 'busy' table, lol. I commend you for cleaning it up when you were done :)

  2. Looks great now. Mine is always aw mess when I am creating too. Look forward to checking out your March tag.

  3. Some of my best creating comes from a messy desk:):):)

  4. Looks great now! I am messy when I work but like you I like to clear it off afterwards!
    It can get scary when i am working on a big a birthday banner and decorations...then it is messy for a few days...Yikes!

  5. Well if you feel the urge to keep cleaning come on over and work on my desk. LOL Good to see that I am not alone in creating chaos while crafting. :)

  6. It's a vicious circle we crafters partake in, eh? Happy WOYWW... Love your desk full of craftyness.
    See you next week.
    Kimmer #91... last , but not least AGAIN.. LOL... oops, you are now last, *smiles

  7. Happy Belated WOYWW. Great transformation. I love to have a tidy desk and try to put away as I go along. Ali x. #42

  8. Thanks for the lovely comment you left on my blog. I'm glad you see how handy the handyman is as well!!!!! Your desk (start off) looks like the way my office is generally!!!!!!

  9. you are not alone. when i create my huge desk is covered with markers, stamps, embellies, paper, etc. i love it, but when i am done it all has to go back in it's place until i craft agai!

  10. Great tidy up, I do the same thing if I'm not working on the desk, stuff to deal with later. I have to make a card today so mine will be tidy for a few minutes. Really looking forward to seeing your March tag.

  11. My desk looks the same when it's in progress with a project, but since a project can last days or weeks, it's always a mess. eek! :)

  12. Wow you are one fantastic cleaner-upper! A messy desk is a sign of a creative mind.

  13. I'm really laughing about all of the cleaning up, messing up and cleaning up your doing :)

  14. Wow, that is one organized desk!
    My desk turns into a mess no matter how many times I clean it! I always have paper scraps, stamps, and bits of tape all over the place...hmm, maybe you should come over sometime, lol :)

  15. I like the way your cutting mat turns from black to green whilst you are creating - LOL BJ#70

  16. Well good for clear up straight away...wowser, not a discipline I manage at all, as you know! I love the work in progress shot, it's not the mess you think it is, it's just fascinating!

  17. So glad you posted the middle two pictures as well as the first and last! They were scarey! far too neat and tidy - but what fun in the middle - lots to look at, and certainly creativity took place! Like the tag.
    Have a great week.
    Margaret #85

  18. I tried commenting last night...or maybe this morning. Anyway you blog hates me and knows when I'm on my ipad. It freezes every time! So I was going to say WOW what a difference! And then you cleaned it again. Cannot wait to see your tags! WOOHOO!

  19. See now I reckon that cleaned off desk picture one and two are identical and that you have actually left it all in a mess LOL! :-) No really, though you should see the state of my craftroom at the mo - really don't want to go there. Ah well tomorrow I will go tidy up too :-)

  20. Looking good! Funny how the cutting at changed color!LOL.... Now how long will it stay clean?? ..till the next creative day :)

  21. Love the full and clear pictures mine was like that as well
    Jackie 24

  22. Your clean desk looks AWESOME!

    Mine often becomes a dumping ground. Especially now that I have a standing up desk and a sitting down desk. Its easy to let one get messy because I can create on the other!


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