Sunday, August 31, 2014

Ignace Bound

Wayne and I drove into Ignace today.
He wanted to get some fuel for his gas cans. 
One thing we all enjoy when going there are these statues. Sadly Wolverine was missing :(
These figures are so fun and so many people pose infront of them. 
They are displayed in front of the Trading Post Motel.
We were going to get fuel, pick up a few groceries and head back to our camp/cottage. 
While Wayne was fueling up I notice a lady standing near the pumps enjoying some fries and gravy. 
I asked her where she got them. She told me acoss the highway. 
So while Wayne was busy I ran across the way and picked up 2 cheese burgers and a fries with was yummy :) 
Found these mouth watering goodies at thier local grocery store. 

Took a couple of photos on the way back to our camp.
Didn't get as many steps in today on my Fitbit as yesterday. 

For one reason we went on a trip to Ignace and two, it rained and was pretty windy. 
I did get over 12,000 steps, but yesterday was almost twice this amount. 

Still perfecting my planner tonight. 
Hope you all had a Creative Day :)

Tracy :)

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Bears and Berries

Another wonderful day at the cottage.
A bit too quiet as it is just Wayne and I up on this long weekend. 
Ashley surprised her fiancé, Tyler, with a trip to New York. 
Heather didn't want to leave Luna at home alone. 
Kristy is cat sitting Sabastien, Ashley's cat. 

I took a couple of walks today. 
Put on a bright hoodie so the hunters don't mistake me for a bear :)
As I walking my 1st round, I noticed some bear prints. 
So on my second round I grabbed my pepper spray. 
I also spotted wolf tracks. 
It was just a small bear, see the comparison to my size 6 running shoe. 
Wayne and i took our quads out to our berry patch to pick some berries. 

It is in the middle of nowhere. It is down an old dead end bush road. 
Another couple came by and asked if they could pick by us. Finding the perfect berry patch is a sacred thing and not to be shared, lol. 
We of course invited them to pick near us. 
As we got to talking, come to find out she owns the bead store in our city. And her husband is a contractor who I talked to all the time when I did the book keeping for our business. 
Funny to meet them here in the middle of nowhere lol. 
Hope you are all enjoying your long weekend and having a Creative day :)

Tracy :)

Friday, August 29, 2014

Thanks card

It seems like forever since I have shared something creative here on my blog.
So today I will share with you this card I made this week :)

I had received a wonderful package from Kathy of Canadianscrappergirl from YouTube, back in February and wanted to make her a card.
I told you I am always late and such a bad procrastinator, lol.

Besides the card base, everything on this card came from the winnings from her giveaway.
Oh I did use my label maker for the "Thanks" as I didn't bring letter stamp sets with me.
Can you believe this card took me the whole day (in-between walks) to make.
I am the slowest scrapbooker/card maker on the planet ;)

My plans for today, were to work on a card challenge and to, not only work on Tim's Tag for this month, but also for last month.
I feel like such a slacker :(

I think the late nights from early this week (I was up before 8:00am and bed after 2:30am) are getting to me.
I may be off for a wee nap on this rainy day.

I hope you all had a very Creative Day today :)

Tracy :)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Back to Reality

Last day of our Creative Getaway :(
Actually we weren't creative at all, we had to check out by 11:00, so we sat out on the deck and enjoyed the sun and the view.
This photo was taken from the deck.

Here is a closer look at this adorable cottage.
It is so cute.
I love the shutters and of course the hot tun set up on the lower part of the deck.
Debbie and I had figured that we have come to Mink Mountain for the last 5 years, and we have stayed in this cottage 2 of those.

I have to say, the Creative Getaway did get my creative ideas going.
Actually my creative ideas never stop coming, but now I have the urge to try and do them all ;)
So I am going to make time in my days to get some of my projects and ideas completed.

I hope you all had a Creative Day :)

Tracy :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Creative Getaway-Day 3. Hiking friends.

Today was another awesome day :).
We did a couple of hikes, but decided to forgo our evening walk to do some serious creating.
Here is Debbie climbing up the rocky part of the mountain. 
We wanted to check inside this cave. 

I can picture I bear hibernating in here. 
I couldn't see inside as it was so dark, so used my flashlight app on my iPhone. 
It could have been a big mistake as I think it was a bat cave. Not Batman's cave either. I wasn't going to wait around for him as those little bats don't like light and I wanted to get out of there. 
I think behind that smile, I'm saying "Hurry up and take your f'ing picture" 
But we did take some more relaxed photos :) 

We have hiked these trails every year we have been coming up, which we figured to be 5 years. 

Beautiful isn't it. 
This year we only did the one trail. 
We were a bit disappointed as we couldn't go to the end because there were too many fallen trees we couldn't climb over :(. 

Off to make a couple more cards. 
Hope you all had a Creative Day :)

Tracy :) 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Creative Getaway Day 2. Hiking

Debbie and I did quite a bit of walking.
I have to say I did more walking than creating today. 
Why do I look like I'm always confused in selfies?  Lol.
Debbie's friend told her that there was a nice trail to hike just before the border. 

So we decided to give it a try. It was well worth it.
Look at this beautiful waterfall. 
It is named High Falls.
I was impressed with the trail and how well it was posted to which trail you wanted to hike. 

Look at this old chimney. 

It is what remains of a 1930's resort lodge. 
I was undecided about bringing my "Big Boy" camera, so left it at home. I should have brought it. But did try to be creative with my iPhone angle ;) 

Love the texture. 
Here our U.S neighbours. 

The Pigeon River is what seperates Canada and the USA. 
I must get creating now. 

I don't think one card is being constructive.  But first I have to try Debbie's nacho dip ;) 
Hope you all had a Creative Day. 

Tracy :) 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Creative Getaway Day 1

Made it safe and sound with all craft supplies intact.
We will be enjoying this view for most of the week. Even on this overcast day, it's still gorgeous.
I will be spending this creative week with my beautiful friend Debbie. 

Isn't she cute :) 
Besides hiking, creating, eating too much unhealthy foods and soaking in the hot tub. I am sure we will be relaxing and enjoying the view with a book in hand. 

Night time selfie in the hot tub ;) 

Got to get back to playing with paper. 
I hope you all had a Creative Day :)

Tracy :)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

I am sure most of you have heard of the ALS Ice bucket challenge.
Well I was nominated by my lovely daughter Kristy to do it.

Here is my video of the challenge ;)
If you would rather watch it on my YouTube channel, click the link "Tracy's Treasures24"Now I'm not the only one in my family that was nominated to do this.
It all started when Ashley's friend Lisa had nominated her.

Then Ashley nominated her fiancé Tyler, Kristy and Kristy's boyfriend Blake.
She said she forgot to nominate me, so Kristy did during her video.
I also donated and thought I would share the link to go if you would like to "Donate".

So excited as I am leaving on my Creative Getaway tomorrow.
I am still packing up.
I am such a procrastinator that I made broccoli salad, a blueberry pie and am watching some episodes of  Criminal Minds ;)

Hope you all had a Creative Day :)
I will be having a Creative Week ;)  I am hoping that I will get 3G on my phone and post my blog from my phone, but not sure if I will be able to visit any blogs until Thursday :)

Tracy :)

Still celebrating

Fun filled weekend. 
I have this chalkboard at our cottage that I write messages on.
Messages such as "Enjoy today" or "Welcome" or even "Love You All" 
Well last weekend I wrote this as I knew Ashley and Tyler were coming up this weekend.
Everyone was up this weekend including Heather, Kristy and her boyfriend Blake. 
When we got here Kristy wanted to make Ashley and Tyler something a little special. 
If you are a regular reader of my blog,  then you know Kristy likes to bake and decorate cakes. So she decided to bake them a cake :)
Funny thing was, she didn't get to put on the icing before they showed up. So we had to make them come in the living room so they couldn't see what Kristy was doing. 
Ashley was oblivious to what was going on and thought Kristy was tired of hearing about wedding plans, but Tyler knew differently. 
They were pretty touched by Kristys sweet gesture. 
Today was a full day. 
We played a few games, one being "Things in a box". 
The girls were nominated for the ALS ice bucket challege. So they did that. 
Wayne and I picked blueberries. 
Ended the evening with a warm outdoor fire with the family. Wayne's dad and wife came by and enjoyed it with us :)

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and squeezed in some creative time ;)


Friday, August 22, 2014

The Messy Crafters Excuse

Today has been a day full of packing.
My friend Debbie and I are heading to our yearly "Girls Creative Getaway" on Monday so I started to pack for it.
I have a list that has the basics to packing for the crops I attend.
You know things like paper trimmer, scissors, adhesive.
Then I add to that with projects I want to work on.
Copics, stamped images, card stock and Copic paper.
Lastly the detailed supplies.
Pattern paper, embellishments, journal cards…this is the part that I have trouble with.
I always bring to much paper and go back and start packing more embellishments then I could use in a year, lol.
All day, I have been going and adding more supplies, lol.

Just so you know, packing in a room of chaos, is not so fun.
But now I have an excuse to use for my messy craft room ;)

We are heading out to the cottage, but just got a phone call from Wayne that a bearing and a screen broke at work, so he has to work late.
Hopefully not to late, as we don't like to drive on the highway at night due to the deer and moose.
So here is hoping they get the repairs completed quickly.

Hope you all had a Creative Day :)

Tracy :)

Thursday, August 21, 2014

She "Popped" the Question ;)

Today was the day that Ashley asked her sisters and her friends if they would be in her wedding party :)
She wanted to make it fun and something they would remember.
So she went to the dollar store and picked up a few things.
One of those things were these pretty boxes.
Now if you could see the texts she sent me about picking out the perfect boxes…"should they be all the same colour, should they be round or square, should the ring pops be the same colours"?
I love her attention to detail, even if it stresses her out sometimes :)

On her computer she printed out these messages for each box and adhered it to the inside of the lid :)

She added a "Ring" pop in each container.
The containers were all the same, but the ring for the maid of honour was a different colour.

Funny story: Ashley asked her sisters if either one of then would like to be her maid of honour.
Heather declined right away, but that was a given, as Heather doesn't like any attention brought to her.
Kristy asked if she would have to do a speech, when she was told she would, Kristy declined.
I think Ashley knew this before she asked them, but I thought it was very sweet of her to think of them and ask :)
Both Heather and Kristy are in her wedding party as brides maids along with 2 of Ashley's friends and her maid of honour is a friend Ashely has known since primary school :)

Here are the boxes all ready for the ladies to arrive for their meet up at Ashley's house.
The lids were on them before the ladies arrived.

As you can see all of the girls said yes !!!!!

I think this was such a sweet way to ask the girls to be in her wedding party :)

Hope you all had a Creative Day :)

Tracy :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Making Paper Bows.

I should be packing for my girls creative getaway that my friend Debbie and I go on every year.
But I went into my craft room and got a bit overwhelmed by the chaos.
So grabbed my Envelope Board Punch and made some bows instead.
There is always tomorrow to start packing ;)

Today Luna had to go to the vet to get her shots.
She went in her carry crate easily and was great during the drive there.
She didn't want to get out of her carry crate though, but once she did, she was a perfect angel :)
It turned out the vet herself, was Luna's foster. So the vet was really happy to see her :)
And was really happy that she got adopted into our family.
Luna was so relaxed in the jeep on the way home, that she actually fell asleep on the drive.

I hope you all had a Creative Day today :)

Tracy :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Thank You card from Luna

Today we got a thank you card from Luna.
The organizers at Kitty Kare keep in contact with those that adopt from them to see how things are going with our new cutie.
They phoned me yesterday…and today this was in the mail.

I cried when I read it.

Honestly I bawled.
I am so sensitive.
Mind you Ashley asked me to text her the note as she was at work.
She said she had to stop reading it as she got teary eyed.

I have some fun crafty news to share with you, but I will save that for another post :)

Hope you all had a Creative Day :)

Tracy :)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Its not easy being green

Look at the pretty tree frog that was at the cottage.
It attached itself to the side of my FIL's cabin.
So pretty.

And just because its been a few days since I shared a photo of our cutie.
Here is our adorable Luna.
She enjoys slipping behind the chair to watch the goings on in the neighbourhood ;)

I just felt the need to get a close up.
She is looking at me like "What the heck are you doing lady", lol.

I was planning on going for a walk tonight with my friend Debbie.
I was on my way there, when she texted me.
So I pulled not only is it illegal to be on your cell phone here, but it is also extremely dangerous and careless.
Well it turned out it was raining at her house.
I U-turned it back home and went on the treadmill. No sooner was I home that it started raining here as well.

Today was a day to tidy our house, so no creating for me.
But I hope you all had a very Creative Day today :)

Tracy :)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Coloured image and a peek of our Cottage Life

I thought I would share a bit more of my colouring I did over the weekend.
I didn't bring my paper trimmer, so wasn't able to make any cards.
Ok, truth be told, I can make cards without a paper trimmer, but didn't feel like fussing with a razor knife and a wooden ruler ;)

This image here is from Sarah Kay.
Isn't she so sweet. Reminds me of the "Little House on the Prairie" days.
Or when my girls were young and I use to put these cute bonnets on them :)

I coloured her up with my coloured pencils and gamsol.
I am really enjoying playing with them :)
Don't get me wrong here, I still LOVE my Copic markers :)
I thought I would share my colour choices with you. I use Blicks coloured pencils, so if you use a different brand I am sure the names and colours will be different.

I did a video of a card I had made and the last few images that I have coloured.
I also shared a bit of our cottage life in here as well ;)
If you would rather watch it on my YouTube channel, just click the link "Tracy's Treasures24"

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and that it was a Creative one :)

Tracy :)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

A New Kind of Stamping Block

I got to colour today :)
It started out as a cloudy day with a bit if rain. So I decided to do a bit of colouring.
I didn't bring my stamp block with me, so I had to improvise. 
When there is a will, there is a way...right!? 
I don't like coffee, so thought this is the best way to use this thing, teehee. 
Not sure how many use the brand "Blick studio" coloured pencils. But thought I would share my colour choices. 
Turned out to be a beautiful day after all. 
Hope you all had a creative day :)

Tracy :)