I stayed home all day :)
Ashley's vertigo was so bad she couldn't walk straight. So she stayed home from work (she said she didn't' want to look like the office drunk). She went to bed last night at 10:00pm and slept until about 11:30am. When she woke up she felt better.
So today I stayed home because Hubby was receiving a package (which was suppose to be here yesterday). He was like a little kid when it came. It was an old Russian gun. I personally don't like guns, but it is a passion of his, so I well let him keep it :)
I got to work on my Halloween wall hanging today. I put the border on and cut the backing. I went to cut the batting and guess what. I didn't have enough. GRRR.
So went out tonight to get some.
So tomorrow I am going to quilt this sucker. I plan on quilting around the tree, moon, vampire girl, pumpkins, ya just about everything. I was planning on adding some Halloween buttons and such, but I think it is to busy to even notice them. I will see.

Hubby and I went out to dinner tonight. We usually go as a family, but tonight he wanted just us. How sweet.
Here is how my children reacted to it.
Ashley: Its about time you guys went on a date. I keep telling you that you guys should go on dates.
Heather: Just you and dad are going.. ME "Well ya, I am his wife". Heather: Well we are his daughters.
Kristy: You guys are going on a date, awwww ever cute.
Oh and a word to the wise. Don't go to Montana's on Tuesday. It is Kids Eat Free on Tuesdays. Now I know why the lady looked at me weird when I told her I didn't want the bar side.
Seriously parents teach your kids some table manners. I am sorry but I sure wanted to slap a few parents. Putting a napkin on your head and your child imitating you isn't cute, you look like an ass. At home maybe, not in a restaurant.
Oh ya and when your kid is taking a screaming fit. Don't turn his highchair away from your table as punishment. The only one that is getting punished is me, as your kid stares at me and screams. Take the tike outside until he cools down. If it interrupts your dinner, tooo damn bad, your the one that decided to have him and raise him wrong.
Ok vent over.
Oh ya and before you get all freaky on me. I have 3 daughters, we have taken them out to dinner since they were weeks old and have NEVER had to take them out of a restaurant for bad behaviour. Actually we got praised about how well behaved our children were. Which I thought was nice,even though all they were doing was eating a meal.
Ok Now vent over.
Here is our city workers at work. LOL, work, if work means 6 guys watching 1 guy work then yup that's what they're doing. There are other workers wondering around trying to look like they are busy. They started this job last year.

Oh this is the other side of the road they still have to do.

Tuesday: So what have you done today to make you feel proud?
1. Didn't wring the dad's neck at Montana's
2. Got a bit of my quilt done
3. Did my walk this morning. Day 2.
4 Didn't have and pop until supper.
Hope your day was a good one and you got some crafting done.