Monday, October 25, 2010

How do you eat your salsa

Thank you for all your kind comments. I am feeling much better today. I was dizzy most of the day, kinda walked into a wall this morning LOL. Ya I chuckled when I did that.
But by late in the afternoon I was feeling so much better. I was craving salsa. Maybe I needed the salt.

So how do you eat your salsa. We can never decide if we want salsa or cheese salsa, so we usually get both. I used to eat one chip in salsa, then next chip in cheese salsa. Then I thought since I like them both I came up with the idea of having half and half on each chip....yummm. Well this coming from the girl that used to dip her potato chips in her pop :)

Like I said today I was a bit dizzy, so nothing much got done. I caught up on some book work. That's about it. But I am feeling perfect now. Hubby and I ran to Superstore tonight. We were right out of laundry detergent. Last night Ashley went to run a load of her bed sheets and we didn't have one granular of soap. Heather has been on laundry duty and forgot to tell me that there wasn't any left. Maybe her way of getting out of laundry duty LOL

Tonight was House, love that show. But it was a repeat. Wasn't to happy about that. Oh well.

Hope your Monday was a creative one. Hoping tomorrow is for me.



  1. Hey - I haven't been here for the past few days....sorry! Trying to get a grip!!! Your salsa looks yummy...and I'm HUNGRY! Glad you're feeling a bit better.

  2. Sorry about the dizziness. :-( I dunno on the salsa - on chips? In everything? I've never heard of cheese salsa, but it maybe looks kind of like chile con queso that I sometimes make (and am now wishing for thanks to your post!)

  3. I hope you feel better soon..I've had vertigo really bad a couple times, where the room just spins...not good.

    I've had salsa mixed with ranch, but the salsa and cheese looks really good too!!!

  4. glad you are feeling better. My favorite salsa is taking velveeta cheese and metling it down and adding the salsa to that. it is so good. i love it when watching football on sundays!

  5. So sorry you're a bit under the weather. The salsa/cheese snack looks yummy! Feel better!

  6. Tracy,
    So glad you are feeling better and your salsa looks yummy.
    I am working on a 3x3 mini you shared awhile ago. I just hope it turns out as cute as yours did. Thanks for the tut on that.

  7. Yeah!!! So glad you're feeling better!!! Hmmm, by cheese salsa we eat cheese dip, is that the same thing? I'll dip my chip in that then I dip it in the salsa so I get both on the same chip. So yummy!

  8. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I was disappointed that House was a repeat too. Heard it won't be a new episode for another couple of weeks.

  9. sorry you're not feeling well but i had to say that you are a girl after my own heart with the combo of cheese and i have to make a trip to the store to get the cheese so I can stuff my face tonight with that same combo!

  10. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. House was a repeat but it was one I hadn't seen, so I was happy!
    Your picture is making my tummy rumble! I'll eat my salsa anyway. With cheese or without, with chips, on eggs, potatoes, veggies, love it! Yum.

  11. oh oh hope it's not catchy..heehee Seriously..Hope today is a better day for you. On the salsa note..ummm I like salsa..but LOVE my homemade salsa the best.

  12. i mix mine with sour cream...YUM! but i do love the cheese. is it funny that i like it cold? LOL!

  13. You must not be from around here ;)
    In Texas you would get a crock pot put in the cheese, the salsa, and ground meat(what ever flavor suits your fancy - it's even optional) Mix it all up melted and have queso (k-so). Yum! Great snacking fun all day long. Especially good for watching athletic events (yes around here that would be football). I'm not much of a queso fan, but there's a little restaurant around the corner that has the best queso (no meat)! And salsa has to be just right. Enjoy your queso!


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