Thursday, March 31, 2011
I am Versatile :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
More colouring, but running low, lol
I did do an image swap that Gale put on. I will hopefully get them the end of this week, but with the mail like it is, I would be lucky to get them later next week.
I have an idea, if any of you are interested in an image swap I would love to swap with you. I have a couple of Magnolia stamps, as you have seen my many coloured images on here, lol. I have some more images that could be coloured. So if you are willing to do an image swap with me let me know. Ohhh this could be fun :)
Onto my Day:
Heather and I had to do a few errands. But I stayed home most of the day. Caught up on some book work, as month end is rearing its ugly head again ;) I wanted to see my baby nephew this week, but with the way I have been feeling, I'll have to wait.
Hope you all had a creative day.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Happy Mail :)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Colouring fun..a video
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Watercolouring with Distress inks....whats next :)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
I love to colour :)
I received these images from Marlene. She sent them to me awhile ago in hopes that I would start to colour. Well Marlene, you got what you wanted, lol.
I am liking how the basket turned out. The shading on the eggs turned out pretty good as well. I would like if you pro's out there would critique my colouring. I would really love to hear, the good and the bad.....just say it gently :)
We all went out tonight for Kristy's Birthday dinner. She picked Montana's.
But before we went there, my friend and Stampn' Up demostrator called me over for a sneek peek at the new mini. See its who you know, teehee.
She wanted to see what I was up to so I brought my cards and my coloured images. She kept talking to me about teaching another class at one of her get togethers. We'll see.
When we came back home Kristy wanted to make something for dessert. She suggested banana cream pie. The only thing with that is she has never made one, I have always done it. So we both worked on it.
She added the artwork :)
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend, and get to do some creating.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Kristy's BDay Card
This is one of the first images I coloured. My Copics bled as I used the first paper I bought, so I fussy cut around the image. And you know how much I love to do intricate cutting...as she says dripping with sarcasm.
I wanted to show the dimension to this card.
I got a bit of a scare today.
Heather and I went out to go to Chapter's. Then we went to A&W to bring lunch home. So I text Ashley asking her what she wanted. She didn't get back to me.
So we get home and wait for Ashley to come home. She comes home from work every day for lunch. Well, she didn't show up. She always takes her lunch at 1:00. I text her again, then again at 2:00.
Now it doesn't take much for my mind to start running away with me. I have always had a vivid imagination.
Finally at 3:00 I phone her work. Whew she answered the phone. She said she has been so busy that she hasn't checked her texts. Plus she skipped lunch to finish some work, so she will just leave work early.
I know I am a worry wart. She is going to be 22 this July, but I will always worry. I won't share the scary thoughts that ran though my mind when she didn't show up for lunch.
As I said, Heather and I went to Chapter's. All the books she chose were 20% off, plus I had a Chapter's card that gave her another 10% off. She picked up 5 books. We are all avid readers in this house.
I ran into my LSS to pick up some paper. I have been getting emails telling me not to use Stampn' Up paper with Copics. I was told...1. This paper is made for water based pens not alcohol based pens. 2. The paper sucks up the ink too much. 3. The coating on the paper can ruin your nibs.
My LSS sells the paper by the single sheets, they are 8.5 x 11 size sheets. One sheet for .49 cents. So I bought one white and one cream. I haven't had time to try them yet. I think they said it was Bella paper, not sure though.
I had Friday Night Scrap booking. I did my week of Project 365. Sharon made 6 Christmas cards. That lady can whip them out. She did them assembly line style.
Hope you were creative today:)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
My baby is 16.
When she was little she would just climb on her dad's or my knee and just be at peace.
She would call me into her room to lay down with her while she fell asleep (and of course I did).
She would tell us where she was going every second of the day. "I'm going down stairs", "I'm going to the bathroom" or "I'm going in my bedroom now". We thought it was so cute that she wanted us to know where she was every second.
Now she is old enough to drive.
She always had a habit of rubbing the underneath of my neck, when ever she sat with me or before she fell asleep. I wonder if she remembers that?
Look at those eyes. I just want to snuggle those cheeks.
I look at her and think back to me at her age. I moved out and lived on my own at 16. Different times I tell you.
Here is a double page layout I did of Kristy.
Wayne had nick names for the girls.
One day Kristy was all upset, and told me "Mommy, Daddy's calling me names".
I asked her "What name is Daddy calling you?".
Her reply "Blue Eyes".
I had to explain to her that daddy was calling her a loving name not a mean name.
Ohhh I love the way kids think.
So I had to make a layout of it. This layout is quite dated. I just framed the photo's and cut the title out with my Coluzzel or hand cut it with a stencil. Yup I have been scrap booking for a long time. I don't even think that they sell this tool anymore.
1. That I am lucky enough to have raised this girl and enjoy every second with her.
2. That I got to spend the evening enjoying the company of family.
3. That Kristy loved her gift, and was very surprised by it.
4. That Spring is on its way....it was -17C this morning, but Spring has to come....its nature.
5. That my nephew and niece got to bring their baby home from the hospital, and all is fine.
5. Of all the nice, sweet comments I receive on here. It puts a smile on my face every time I see a new comment.
What are you thankful for today?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Are you tired of my Images yet?
I am having so much fun with this.
I know it is far from Christmas. But looking outside to the snow in our yard and the temperatures being -5C (but feeling colder), you would think it was here.
Because of the Copic colours I have, there are only certain images I can colour.
The contrast between the highlights and shading didn't show up as much in this picture.
1. Colour in the bright light of the day. A lamp causes shadows.
2. Its just ink if you don't like your colouring stamp another image.
3. This is my best advice. Don't forget to wear your cheater glasses, teehee. I know I should get prescription glasses, but... I'm in denial, OK.
I went to pick up Kristy's birthday cake. All my girls love Dairy Queen ice cream cake for their birthday's. So I figured since I had to go there, I may as well take the girls there for lunch.
I stopped by Michael's for that glue pen...yup, I remembered my coupon :) I also picked up some watercolour paper, as I want to try my hand at colouring with distress inks. I know, I can't master one thing before I start on something new :)
I got caught up on my book work....I didn't say it was an exciting day, lol.
Hope you got to create today.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
No cards, but I got to colour :)
I used my Stampn' Up markers. I know I still need some practice. I tried to use my blending marker, but wasn't to happy with the turn out.
I coloured a tad over the line on her hair. You can see what happened, it kind of softened the paper. I can either cut around the image, as you all kow how much I love to fussy cut, NOT. Or I can add some shadow around the whole image.
I didn't use a light enough purple for the highlighting of her dress so used the blender marker for that. I don't like how that turned out either, so I will be recolouring that.
Oh I did use my Stampn' Up paper for colouring these images. This paper is waaaay better then the other paper I used. It is nice and smooth and my Copic's don't bleed over the stamped images. I am happy with it. I know there are other paper's that others prefer, but I have nothing to compare this too, so I am very happy with this.
I took a nap this morning. I had a real good sleep last night. Hubby didn't snore!!! But I was just whipped.
Then I took Heather and Ashley for lunch at the mall as we went to pick up Kristy's BDay present. Then I had some running around to do.
I ran to Michael's to pick up a Zip glue pen. They wanted over $7.00 for the tiny one. And I forgot my coupon at home. So I have some running around to do tomorrow, so I will bring my coupon with me then.
I just thought I would share some awesome oatmeal that I am loving at the moment. I eat oatmeal every morning for breakfast. I came across this the other week. Soooo good. But I think you get less packages in the box. I really hate when they do that. They add more things in it, so they give you less. Grrrrr.
So this weekend I am going to make my own. I know Nicole has a recipe for oatmeal in her crock pot, so I am hoping to try it, but with my own spin on it. I will let you know how it turns out.
Proud Tuesday:
1. Did my walk yesterday :)
2. Did my Reformer class tonight.
3. Spent time with my girls
4. Made time to colour today.
Monday, March 21, 2011
A Pretty In Pink Card.
Monday's come to quick. I wish the weekends would last longer, you know maybe a few more hours in the day would be nice.
Well here is one of the cards I made during the weekend.
I made it for one of my dear friends from my blog. She is having surgery and I'm hoping this will perk her up.
I wanted to make a girly card for her, as she has only males in her household.
I coloured this little cutie with my new Copics, then popped it up with two way foam tape.
I am really enoying colouring images with my Copics and my Stampn' Up markers. Here are some of my punched flowers that I formed. Like I said before, because this is getting mailed away, it can't get bulky.
I stamped the sentiment and then embossed it. I wanted the words so pop out more, so I colouring them in with my Copic's.
Here is the inside of my card. Yup used the recipe card trick on this one too.
Onto My Day:
I had a doctors appointment. I have had sore knees for about 15 yrs. But they have got much worse over the years. So I asked about that. He figures that it could be due to one of my other health problems. Oh joy.
But he did send me for xray's and blood work.
Oh funny (or sad) story. When I was waiting to go in for my xray. There was an inmate with 2 guards waiting as well
Inmate: I'm in at the hospital?.....Guard: No your at a clinic.......Inmate: Why am I here?......Guard: for xrays, didn't anyone tell you?....Inmate: No, I thought I was going to the courthouse. LOL.
I kind of felt bad for the guy. Either he was on something, or they brought the wrong guy in, lol.
I picked up our income tax from the accountant. When I parked, I kinda rubbed the rock planter they had in the parking lot. They should remove that thing, its ugly and gets in the way, teehee. I checked the jeep, you could hardly see anything, just a rub. But my tracker, private investagator hubby will eventually notice.
Some times when he would come home from work, he would ask me, Oh I see Julia was here?
How did you know? I would ask.
His reply.... I saw her tracks. Yup he's a hunter, lol.
Kristy and I went grocery shopping.
Then I got caught up on my fellow YouTuber's channel's.
Hope your Monday was a creative one.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The Penguin is going down....
I thought I would try something different. Instead of the penguin going across the card I thought I would have the him/her slide DOWN the hill. Teehee.

I woke up to some snow...again.
I was so excited to see some grass yesterday. Not much, but it was one step closer to Spring.
But then it started to snow and my little patch of grass was getting covered :(
Will Spring ever come?!? It has been a long, long winter

I enjoyed my day in my scrap/craft room. I created as I watched Supernatural. Kristy made us soft pretzels for lunch, then hubby made us supper.
Today was a really good day.
I hope your Sunday was a day spent with family and enjoying your day.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
And the Owl Spins.....
I made 3 cards but am only going to show you one of them, or it would be to picture heavy.
Remember the owl I made yesterday? Well here is why I bought the punch.
I wanted to make some spinner cards with it, for Card Cupids.
I love spinner cards they are so fun. I figured the kids that receive them would enjoy playing with them.
So here is my first card. I made this all with scraps, even the card base is from my scrap pile. Yeah I have a big pile of papers.

I need some help on the inside sentiment (not that you guys were any help with the last one, lol).
On a frog card, I wrote "hopping by to say HI". On a butterfly card I wrote "Fluttering by to say HI".
I have no idea on what to write on this one. Maybe it will come to me tomorrow......or tonight in my dreams :)
As for those asking where Kristy gets her baking skills from, as I don't like to cook. I know you may be surprised but I do enjoy baking. I think it's because I love sweets :)
He called me upstairs to take pictures of his pretzel's, lol.
Finally I had to skip it a bit, then it went again. After I watched "Nightmare Before Christmas" and "9".
I keep wanting to catch up on my YouTube video watching, but I can't seem to do that, as I want to pay better attention to the video's. I can watch movies though.
Hope you got to create today, and have a wonderful weekend.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Owl's and Pretzels
I got caught up on my Project 365. I was 2 weeks behind. I don't want to let that happen again. Once I got going I was on a roll, but I have to keep up with it.
Sharon was shocked at all the treasure's I bought in the States.
Well actually so was I once I started showing her everything.
Not only did I get caught up on my Project 365, I also had a bit of fun with one of my new punches. I bought this owl punch with the intent on making some fun cards for Cards for Cupids. So I was playing around with it tonight.
I didn't feel like going through my orange scraps for the penguin's beak and feet so I just punched it in white and coloured it with my markers...lazy eh?
I put google eyes on these guys. I have so many of them from my past crafts. I can't even remember what I made with them? But I sure have a lot of them and in different sizes.
Onto My Day:
I had to run around for company business today.
Then I took Ashley, Heather and Kristy out for lunch to Montana's. Its the last day of Kristy's March Break, so I wanted to give her a treat. And I am one of those annoying mother's where everything has to be fair so they all got to come :)
Ohhhh I forgot I have leftover's in the fridge, yumm.
Just curious, do they have a Montana's in Montana? My girls have often wondered about that. And if there is one, they say they want to go there when we go, lol.
Kristy is taking Foods in school. She loves to bake. Her teacher suggested that she go to culinary school after high school.
So tonight she made soft pretzels for us all. They were so good. She sprinkled cinnamon and sugar on the top. YUMMY.

I am planning (hoping) to create all weekend long. I have quite a few projects I need to get working on.
Till tomorrow, hope you got to create today.