Monday, June 25, 2012

Puddle jumper

I had a bit of a chance to colour tonight.
I coloured one of my new gorjuss girl stamps :)
I wish I would have used a lighter colour on the umbrella though. It looks a bit vibrant for the rest of the image.
I drew in and coloured the rain puddles.
If I am lucky I will put this cutie on a card tomorrow :)

Here are the Copic colours I used to colour her up.
The ciao marker is C1.
I am trying to share the colours I use, as some of you have been asking me to.
I usually like to put them back in their place as soon as I finish using a colour, so this is hard to get used to putting them to the side when I am done with it.

Onto My Day:
My Ashley is back from her trip :)
I made her a special supper and we enjoyed listening to her relive her trip.
I don't know how you parents handle your children living far away from you. I know it is something we all need to face, but damn it would be hard.

I was so looking forward to sleeping in this morning.
Can you believe I was awake at 6:00am! I never wake up that early, and if I do, I never have any trouble falling back to sleep.
But this morning I was awake before my hubby. That's just crazy.
Mind you I didn't get out of bed. I kept trying to get back to sleep.
I finally fell back asleep, then heard my phone get a text. I never keep my phone with me, but it was in my purse, which just happened to be in the bedroom.
After I fell back asleep, our cat Rose thought it was time to wake everyone up for school.
So I had to remind her that we were on summer vacation and to go back to sleep.
After a little persuading she did go back to Heather's room.

I am still on my not drinking pop (coke) on the weekdays, and only one or two during the weekends.
I had 2 on Sunday and am wondering if the caffeine had a delayed reaction, and that is why I had trouble sleeping. Because believe me, I can sleep like its no ones business ;)

Hope you all had a creative Monday :)

Tracy :)


  1. Love it i am in love with my copics. I live 5000 miles away from my family and miss them all the time but love the life i have here.

  2. I love it but she should have red hair as I am the official puddle jumper! don't believe me just look out my window at the flipping RAIN! LOL I love the image and the fact that you shared the colors. This helps a lot my dear. You can view my colored card and please be kind, I know I need to practice.

    Living away from the kids is a curse! A lot of them actually in the form of curse words. I can't tell you how many times I have wanted one of them for their specialty and nope, not here. Although my daughter was so kind as to stop by to use the internet and the printer. Yes, my paper, my ink.mmmmmmmmmmmm let me think about that? LOL Glad Ashley made it home safe and sound. I have to be up this morning so it sucks to wake up and not sleep. I have had issues for about 2 weeks now. DOn't know why either. Maybe we should have a coke and talk about it! LOL

  3. You card is beautiful, you're coloring always amazes me! Love Penny

  4. oh this little girl is just so cute!

  5. Ah, she's adorable. Love the colors you used. Hope you are sleeping better today! :)

  6. Your image is adorable! Great coloring! Sorry you woke up so early! That rarely happens to me, but I hate it when it does! LOL!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I hate waking up before I have to! Great coloring!

  9. love love love!!!

  10. I love the stamp!

    I've been having trouble sleeping too. I'm not sure if its because I'm all thrown off from summer break starting and messing up my routine! That is awesome about the coke though, congratulations!

  11. She turned out so cute! Glad Ashley made it back safe from her trip :) The farthest I ever lived from my parents was about an hour, when I went away to school. That was far enough! Good job on the coke! Can it really delay like that? Lol

  12. What an adorable image. Great job on the colors.

  13. she is adorable!!!

  14. Great coloring job! I think she's cute. :-) Glad Ashley got back safe and sound.


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