Thursday, October 4, 2012

Breath taking view....well one is anyway ;)

When I drove Kristy to school today I couldn't help but take a photo of this breath taking tree.
I love the changes in the season. Not just fall, by every season. But I think fall is one of the most beautiful times of the year.
Sadly I bet almost all these beautiful leaves are no longer on the tree. It has been so windy tonight.
As I was driving down the street, it was like I was driving through a leaf storm. Gorgeous.

The rest of my day was spent working on month end.
Not only do I take over my work area when I am creating, I also take over the table when I am doing my book work.
Surprisingly, I can find everything in this mess.... but I can :)

This is my work desk later in the day.
I never watch television during the day. But as I do my book work I do enjoy watching a few YouTube videos.
Today's video talent of choice was StampTV . I love the simplicity of her cards, they are clean and crisp. She is a great teacher as well.

Onto My Day:
Besides the book work I did (which I balanced by the way) and the video's I watched.
I had a nice chat with some ladies who came to my door. I declined their reading material, the Watchtower, but we still had a nice chat.
I also received a visit from my girlfriend Debbie. I was a bit embarrassed by the state of my house...okay I was a lot embarrassed.
I know everyone says, "I came to visit you not your house"..but mine is in bad shape.
But now that I have balanced month end....I am excited to get to the house work....and some more laundry ;)

Hope you all had a creative Thursday :)

Tracy :)


  1. Lol on "declining" the reading material offered and enjoying the chat...I also "spread out" when I work!

  2. Glad you were able to balance the books. I can see why you took a photo of that tree. We are headed to Yellowstone to hopefully view some fall colors-already have had our first snow.

  3. i just took a photo of a tree in our back yard! the colors are just so beautiful in the fall!!

  4. That tree is gorgeous! That's one thing that stinks though, when it's so windy it blows all the beautiful leaves away. It was nice to see your real work desk :) glad you balanced! Now on to more important things, like housework and crafting!

  5. Gorgeous tree! Our leaves just have the slightest tinge. Glad you got your book work done. There are so many more creative things to do than housework - at least that is my motto.

  6. From the land of sand sun and palm trees that tree would be welcome in my backyard any day! Gorgeous!

  7. I love the colours of Fall. Our trees are turning now, but there are some that have already turned and are gorgeous!

  8. Those trees are absolutely beautiful! I am hoping for trees just like that on our wedding day!

    Our apartment is always a mess. Just yesterday, AJ was saying that he would be so embarrassed if someone stopped by our apartment - with us being so busy and him being away on business, things got crazy and messy! So we will be cleaning a lot too!

  9. Such a beautiful tree - Andy and I took the girls to Algonquin Park today to see the trees. It was a three hour drive to get there but boy was it worth it! Hopefully post some photos soon. Have a great Thanksgiving weekend. Karon

  10. I love seeing the trees change, even though I know it means cold is coming. I guess if I have to deal with cold, I'm entitled to see pretty leaves first. lol

  11. yay glad you balanced and why am I not surprised by a burgundy stapler?!!! lol What a mess but mine totally beats yours. Oh yea and my house. good gravy so bad. will be glad when I can get it all cleaned up. gotta find a truck to haul stuff. Wayne wanna stop by? LOL I wish. we could clean yours and you could help me clean mine. sounds fun huh? way more fun then doing by myself:(

  12. That is a beautiful tree. Love the colors.

  13. Ah yes, the Watchtower. They used to come to my door when I lived on the mountain and would scare the crap out of me because NO ONE ever came to my door. I lied, yes, yes I did, and told them I was Jewish and they never showed up again. I found if I told them I was Catholic they would continue to believe there was hope in converting me and come to my door every Saturday morning. Glad you got your bookwork balanced and done. Now you have play time for the rest of the month :D


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