Thursday, July 7, 2011

Some Creative Eye Candy

Look what I got today :)
My friend and Stampin' Up lady gave me one of the new catalogues :)
Lynne and I looked through it together today, so I haven't had time yet to put all my sticky notes in it to mark the goodies I want.
Let me tell you, there are a few goodies I want :)
I went for my MUGA scan today. Chatted with a few ladies that were waiting as well. I love hearing about everyone's lives. This one lady was so sweet, even when she was finished with her test, she came back, sat beside me just to chat, until I had to go in  :)
Funny thing with this type of test I got. They inject some radioactive dye into me. If I cross the border in the next 3 days, they can detect it. They would have given me a paper to explain this if I was to cross the border.
I guess I'm toxic, lol.

We had some pretty heavy rain this evening.
We are hoping to go to camp this weekend. But so far the weather is rain all weekend :(  If that doesn't change, we will probably be staying home.

Thankful Thursday:
Sent some parcels in the mail.
I got my Stampin' Up catalogue
My tests are all finished
For all the wonderful people in my life.

What are you thankful for today?



  1. How sweet of that lady; she must have enjoyed visiting with you!
    Thankful to have had my hair cut and the grey covered up!

  2. Tracy reading your blog makes me really think about what i am thankful for and i appreciate it. my family is what i am thankful for today and every day.

  3. thankful for sweet comments from friends like you. Just what my mojo needed.:D
    Hope you have a creative weekend.

  4. Tracy,
    Enjoy your new catalog and have fun with the sticky notes~I am sure you will need a lot of them.
    How thoughtful of that lady to sit and chat with you until it was turn

  5. really, they can detect it? i suppose if it is radioactive! oh catalog... sigh... looks good...

  6. Ooohhh, I always loved getting the new book to look at! So much inspiration in there! So happy your test is over:) I hope you're able to get to camp this weekend!

  7. Glad your tests are over. What a nice woman!

  8. Good luck with the test results! That was so sweet of that lady.

  9. hope your tests went well!

    i too love browsing through the book--so many awesome projects

  10. Good luck with your test results - have a nice weekend!

  11. So glad your tests are over. Hoping for good results. We are expecting rain too. Lets hope the weather people are wrong this time.

  12. I always knew you were a radioactive kinda gal! So glad you got that test over and done with. I hope everything goes well.

  13. Hope your test results come out good. I had the same thing for a test. I was sitting in the chair in the HALLWAY (ugh) waiting my turn and this sign was right in front of me about the radioactive iodine they were using and, "If you cross the border, it will be detected and you will be detained." Yeah. Lovely.

  14. I just posted a comment and blogger decided to delete it upon word verification, hmph!

    Medical tests just stink and I'm glad yours is over. I hope the tests come back with fantastic news.

    I just went to an open house for the new catalog and spent a boatload of money. I couldn't help it, I fell in love with the new In colors.


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