Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Canada Day :)

Happy Canada Day!!!!
Oh I am so lucky to have been born and live in a country that I love.
I love the freedom to say what I want, when I want, without being punished.
I love that I am a woman living in this country and have the freedom to do what I want and not worry about getting beaten for having an opinion.
I love that I can question my government and not have to worry about the impact it may have on my family.
I love that we have fresh, clean water anytime we want it.
I love my country.
 Even though it is Canada Day and everything is closed. We took Heather to work. She had to grease the trucks before we go away. So I brought my work along, and Hubby did some bulldozing. I think Wayne is the only one who enjoyed himself.
When we finally got home, he even made a song up and sang at the top of his lungs, "I love my job, I love job, I love my job". LOL

While Heather was still working, Wayne and I went for a drive around the plant.
Here is the pond where the pump house is.
 They get a lot of beavers here. That is one big dam.
 Now this beaver is a sneaky one. He chewed a hole in either side of the pump house and continued his dam inside the building. So now the pump house is under water.
 Here are the front doors of the building.
The water is pouring out of the door. Wayne says every morning when he opens these doors it looks like a waterfall.
 See these large rocks?
These are the baby goslings from a month ago.
They would not stay still for their photo shoot.
Wayne had to drive ahead to try to get them to swim to me. But they hid instead.
Well it is an early post for me as I have to get packing.
We are going to Winnipeg, as Ashley and Kristy are going to the Brittany Spears concert.
The two of them were just going to go. Ashley was trying to figure out how much this was going to cost them.
I informed them that if Mom came they wouldn't have to pay for anything ;) Teehee.
So it is going to be a girls weekend, as Hubby is staying home to work. Told you he loves his work.
So Heather and I will take in a movie while the other 2 are at the concert.

Now lets all see if it works for us "I love my job, I love my job, I love my job". Hmmm did it work for you?



  1. great photos!

    have a fun girls weekend!i bet the 4 of you will have a blast!

  2. HAPY HAPPY CANADA DAY I left U anotheraward.>HEHEHHEHE

  3. Happy Canada Day. Everything is closed at home and my daughter, who works at the Fairfield Inn says they are all down here shopping. They were trying to check in at 10 am this morning. And she didn't have clean rooms for them yet.
    Travel safe to Winnipeg and have a fun girls weekend. Is is a far drive for you?


  4. Happy Canada Day. Have fun, all. I love girly nights; hot chocolate and marshmallows especially, and a soooo happy ending movie. I'm looking forward to the cookies, see you later :D

  5. Hi Tracy,
    Hope you had a good Canada Day, just had a catch up on your blog, you've been busy, Congratulations on your daughters book being published too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  6. Hope you enjoyed your Canada Day yesterday! Have a great time in Winnipeg and hope the girls in enjoy Brittany in concert!

  7. Glad you had a good Canada Day! Hope you are enjoying your girls weekend too! Those girls of yours are pretty smart to take Mom on the trip, huh? :) I tried singing Wayne's song...but I already loved my job. Haha!

  8. Have a wonderful trip and enjoy the girl time!

  9. Great photos! You're getting good :0) I would sing Wayne's song every day if I didn't already love my job. It may be never ending hours, short breaks, attitudes and no pay but, I wouldn't trade it for anything! Have an awesome girls weekend! Hugs!


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