The first one is of course
http://disguisedasagrownup.blogspot.com/ She is like my sister from another mister, well actually she would be from another mother as well as we are not related. Oh ya and she enforces her free speech more than I do, LOL. Plus she rocks at making cards. Copics bow to her awesomeness when she enters. She makes me laugh and I look forward to her comments everyday.
http://justjingle.blogspot.com/ Jingle has a passion for her craft. I love that she thinks outside the box. Plus she is so darn cute. When I go to her blog I just have to look at her picture and it puts a smile on my face. I would love to just hang out with her and play in her studio. Just say'n.
http://timeforscrappin.blogspot.com/ Tanya is a sweetie. I love her video's and if I have a question she is always happy to help me. At least I think she is happy to help me. Her mini albums are awesome. Tanya also encouraged me to do a mini swap that she organized on her blog.
http://krussellstudio.blogspot.com/ Kate is my mini album swap partner. She just started her blog. She is a sweetie. Plus like me she can't make decisions LOL. I think it took a week for us to figure what type of album we were going to do. Actually we were still trying to figure this out last night.
http://letmesowlove.blogspot.com/ I admire Rachel as she scraps about herself. I have been meaning to scrap about myself for years. But they say it's like therapy and do I really want to open that can of worms.
http://alifeunrehearsed2.blogspot.com/ Bonnie is the card set Queen. This lady can whip up a card set like its no body's business. I love her creations.
http://passionforcrafts.blogspot.com/ Debbie goes the extra mile on her cards. They are pieces of art. The colours are so bright. I would frame her cards, if I ever received one ;)
Honestly these women keep me wanting to do my blog because of the nice and sometimes funny comments they leave on my blog. I would have never dreamed that my blog would be a passion of mine.