You know one of those days that you seem to be going this way and that but nothing to show for it. Well that was my day today.
Ashley and I picked up her friend Adam and went and got their collage grad gowns, no caps though, which we thought odd. Then we came back home and they did a photo shoot of Adam in his gown. Oh but before we did this I did go to Michael's and picked up this pretty paper pack. Oh the smell of new paper.
I tried to make a grad cap for the photo's. It could have worked but I didn't want to dig out the sewing machine, so I just used my glue gun. After burning 3 of my fingers I decided that it was a bust and ditched the project LOL.
I tried a new recipe for supper tonight. I made chicken pitas. I cut up chicken breasts and pan cooked them, blanched some broccoli, mixed them with diced tomatoes and finely grated cheese, Lastly mixed mayo and prepared mustard and mixed the whole lot up.
Out of the 5 of us only Heather and I liked it.
And you wonder why I don't enjoy cooking LOL.
Wayne and I went and picked up groceries for camp/cottage this weekend. We are going to go and turn on the water and open up our camp for the summer. Now I am not sure what we should call it. Here in Ontario we call it a camp. My relatives in Manitoba call it a cottage. And some American friends call it a lake house. Here is a picture of it. The lake is just a few yards to the right. I can watch the kids swim in the lake from the deck. And they can yell up and get me to fetch their towels for them LOL. It has 3 bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen. And yes that is a satellite dish on the roof. Ya we aint roughing it here LOL.
After hubby and I went and did our errands, Ashley, Kristy and I went to the show to watch this.......
It was actually really good. Better then the first movie. I am NOT a follower, I have not seen every tv show. When the show came out I refused to watch it because of the name. Then at camp one year they were showing repeats and I watched it, and I actually liked it, Who knew.The theatre was packed. We had to sit near the front. I will tell you this, I think I only saw about 4 men there teehee. I was actually surprised to see that many.
On the way home we ran through Wendy's drive threw for a snack to eat on the way home. It is now 1:36am. I need to get to bed as tomorrow I have to take my dad for his blood work.
Oh ya Thankful Thursday
1. Going to the show with my girls
2. Watching "UP" and laughing with my girls.
3. Checking out new vehicles, planning to get one in the fall or the new year
4. Someone appreciating my crafts
5. Being Lucky enough to have a beautiful camp/cottage/lake house.
What are thankful or grateful for today?
I just saw sex and the city #1 the other day, it was surprisingly good! We don't have HBO so I've only see a couple of the episodes.
ReplyDeleteYour "lake house" looks kinda like the house I live in every day.. sans lake, but it does have the satelite dish!
Oooh whatever you call it, sounds like fun!
ReplyDeleteFisrt, I love the paper. Second, in Jersey it's a house at the lake. I don't know why we just don't call them lake houses. Thirdly, take away my woman membership card. I have no desire to see SITC2. Maybe I'll enjoy it on cable but when I get the chance to go to the movies I like lots of action and special affects.
ReplyDeleteThankful Thursday:
1. My son's fever finally broke.
2. Getting to spend another day with just my son.
3. The thunderstorms not being that bad.
4. Getting a box of scrap goodies in them mail from 2 peas.
5. Losing 4.5 Lbs woo hoo!
Cute paper pack! I hope you have a great time at the lake! As far as SITC goes - I've never even seen an episode of the show, nevermind these crazy movies. Just not my thing.
ReplyDeleteHI Tracy,
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a busy day. Love penny lane and have made some goodies with that paper.
Cottage, lake house, both will work. I would love to have a getaway like that. Looks so peaceful and a lake near are a lucky gal. You get to do so many wonderful things.
The kids and I and my brother in law went fishing yesterday. Didn't catch anything worth while, but had the perfect day (after the kids got out of school) trying. It was perfect out.
I have my health and family to be thankful for. Not much else going on here....pretty hum-drum and very unfocused lately and that means unproductive.
Have a great weekend Tracy. Oh and it looks like you had a blast at the girls camp and I said before, you are a lucky gal.
That looks like a beautiful lake house. After spending last weekend at the lake ourselves, we would love to have a place to go to on a more frequent basis.
ReplyDeleteI too did not watch the SATC series on TV, but saw both movies and really enjoyed them.
It must be where YOU are in Ontario, because in southwestern Ontario, no one I ever knew ever called it a "camp". (That's what they call it in New York state where my hubby is from, though). We called it a "cottage". :)
ReplyDeleteLove the Penny Lane line of papers you picked up. I think I have most of them.
Leave the cooking to Wayne....LOL. Hey - I could eat one of his big burgers EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK!!!
Enjoy your weekend, chicky! Wish I had a cottage like that!
ReplyDeleteWho cares what you call it-just have fun there!
Know what you mean about the smell of new paper. Funny! Its like that new car smell for men.
I don't enjoy cooking too much either, so I mostly leave it to the hubby. Though I do like to bake and he reaps the rewards!
Enjoy the weekend!
Oh I love that Penny Lane paper. My Minds Eye has the greatest products!! I cant wait to see what you do with it. Have a good weekend.
ReplyDeleteI have that pad of paper. I love it. Have not done anything with it yet, but love it.
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ReplyDeleteim thankful for the rides.
ReplyDelete2. Watching "UP" and laughing with my girls.
you forgot about me :P
lol good movie eh? i have been meaning to show ashley that movie. now i dont have to